Monday, October 1, 2007

My Interest in film began in middle school. My friends and I loved watching and going to movies all the time. I remember being the first in line to see Mean Girls at 4:00 the day it came out to see it at the theater (it was a school day so the midnight showing wasn't a possibility). But not only did my friends and I love watching movies, we also loved making movies. We made dozens of videos of fake commercials, fake news broadcasts, and fake T.V. shows. We used my friends huge video camera that recorded directly onto a tape and you had to support the entire thing with your shoulder. It was so fun! We liked to give everything our own twist, often mocking the real commercials and shows that were on T.V. at the time. One being an episode of MTV cribs that took place in a linen closet. I can't wait to make the movie at the end of the semester and see how my film making skills have changed!

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