Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wes Anderson

I also really liked the Wes Anderson unit. I really like how you can tell that he puts so much thought into every single camera shot. Even though we didn't get to finish it, I think I liked The Royal Tenenbaums the most. Rushmore and Bottle Rocket were both solid films as well. I had never scene the entire Rushmore or Bottle Rocket before so it was nice to get the chance to do that during school. One similarity that I saw throughout all of the films was the slow-motion montage scene flavored with loud recognizable music. Wes Anderson really has this technique down. The only thing that I can think of that I dislike about him is how sometimes the films seem to drag on. A few times during Rushmore I caught myself thinking about other things which left me completely lost from the plot, but I always seemed to get myself back on track after some witty banter.

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