Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Chinatown has easily been my favorite movie that we have watched this year. It kept my attention they entire way through and I was really interested in the story. I loved the character of JJ Gittes and I really liked the way that Jack Nicholson portrayed him. I really want to watch it again so I can catch more of what I may have missed. I thought that the film did a lot for film noir. It wasn't the typical film noir setting with the typical lighting and venetian blind effect, but it has the same sort of story (mystery) and the big rememberable ending. I thought that it was really interesting the way that the plot had so many twists and turns, and everytime that I thought I knew the answer to the question of who killed Hollis, I was suprised again by another key piece of evidence.
Overall this was an excelent film and again, I plan on renting it so I can review it at least once more.

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